Angelo Sabatelli- personal Home Page

Angelo Sabatelli

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My warmest welcome to all of you and thank you very much for visiting my profile.

I am 51 years old and I have a University degree in Chemistry (Napoli, 1984), after having passed my high school license in classic study (1978). I have extensive experience in the man made fiber field, both technical and commercial. I am an expert in Far Eastern markets and in dealing with customers of oriental culture, after having spent most of my 25 years experience in that region. My personal passions are: renewable energy, guitar, chess.


My personal experience allowed me to build up a very strong network with the key-players of PES and PA (Nylon 6 and 66) fiber production in the Far East as well as in Europe/USA. Should you need my detailed CV, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you would like to take advantage of my experience and expertise in your fiber production activity, feel free to contact me anytime. It will be my pleasure to give you an answer to your questions.

so, I hope to see you soon...